Thursday, May 19, 2016

Documentary Reflection

Upon reflection of my progress of this project, I realized that there were a myriad of things i could've improved on in order to raise the quality of the final product.  For starters, the day I recorded my audio, I felt very stuffed up in the nasal area.  It definitely sounds like it, too.  I also could have had a greater sense of urgency during the duration of the project.  Overall, I feel that while my information was fine, my delivery of both audio and visuals were a little lacking because my knowledge of Adobe Premiere Pro is quite limited.  my knowledge of the program seems even rudimentary, especially when compared to other students in my own class.  Some students had more visually interesting documentaries, utilizing the full extend of their mediums, with 'key frames' and other effects of that nature.  If I were to do this project again, I would frankly choose a different artist.  Not to diminish the effect that Milt Kahl had on the animation industry, but there's just not much to say other than that.  I think someone like Jim Henson would have been incredibly interesting to investigate.  I would also work a tad bit faster on the second go.   I was regretfully behind on this project almost the whole way through.  Was it 'senoiritis' or just a lack of determination?  Who can say, either way, I would not like to repeat this under similar circumstances.  All in all, it was a challenging and interesting project to work on, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.