Monday, December 8, 2014
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Walk, Run, and Jump cycle
I was very awesome during this project. I was on the ball the entire time! I was even ahead at some points. I knew what I was doing, and did it fantastically. Frankly, I would only change one thing about my project: add a background. I had tried to, but Blender wouldn't cooperate with me, so I omitted from the project. that's the only thing that wasn't awesome about my project.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Legalization of Marijuana
I believe that marijuana should be legalized. It is currently legal in 23 states and Washington D.C. Pennsylvania is one of the 23 who legalized it's use for medicinal purposes. According to Business Insider, marijuana's many beneficial uses is relieving pressure in eyes, reducing risk for glaucoma and blindness. It can also help reverse the effects of tobacco products and improve lung health. In a 20 year study with tobacco smokers and pot smokers, tobacco smokers lost function over time, but pot smokers actually had increased lung capacity. It can also help with seizures and Dravet's disease. Among that, it helps reduce Alzheimer's disease, anxiety, the spread of cancer, and the pain of multiple sclerosis.
While Marijuana can do all these amazing things, a lot of people adamantly hate the recreational use of marijuana. Most people throw around the phrase "Gateway Drug", even though anything could be a gateway to something. If I eat 100 chocolate chip cookies and someone recommends Oreos, and I eat 100 Oreos, then those chocolate chip cookies were "Gateway Cookies." So, while it can be addictive, so can anything if you 'ingest' it.

This is a Video about Legalizing Marijuana
While Marijuana can do all these amazing things, a lot of people adamantly hate the recreational use of marijuana. Most people throw around the phrase "Gateway Drug", even though anything could be a gateway to something. If I eat 100 chocolate chip cookies and someone recommends Oreos, and I eat 100 Oreos, then those chocolate chip cookies were "Gateway Cookies." So, while it can be addictive, so can anything if you 'ingest' it.
This is a Video about Legalizing Marijuana
Monday, September 22, 2014
ASL Animation
The Video
I have applied armatures and IK constraints in this project. If I didn't apply armatures this would've a lot harder and almost impossible. IK constraints also made this project feasible because it limited the bones movement, so that the bone moved realistically and not willy-nilly. If I were to do this project again I would've spent more time on the palm of the hand, because it looks very odd. Some successes I had with this project was I was actually on task for most of the project. Another success was understanding armatures from the get-go. All in all this project was pretty fun.
I have applied armatures and IK constraints in this project. If I didn't apply armatures this would've a lot harder and almost impossible. IK constraints also made this project feasible because it limited the bones movement, so that the bone moved realistically and not willy-nilly. If I were to do this project again I would've spent more time on the palm of the hand, because it looks very odd. Some successes I had with this project was I was actually on task for most of the project. Another success was understanding armatures from the get-go. All in all this project was pretty fun.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Deimler is dumb. adobe
I was pretty persistent during the duration of this project. My focus and care whilst working on this project was superb. If I were to do this project again, I would put teeth in instead of making it black. I would also spend more time on the portrait with custom photoshop shapes. I only had one day to complete that one. The hardest aspect of this project was the tracing of the original picture. Everything else was easy to do and understand. I would do this project again if I had to.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Raster and Vector Grafikz
Raster and Vector Graphics
Raster graphics use bitmaps to show the image. That's why when they are resized, they become very pixelated. But they colors and shading in raster images are superior to vector graphics.
This is example of raster graphics. Notice how the images are pixelated and zoomed in? Because resizing is not something raster graphics are good for.Vector graphics, however, are created digitally and are much better for resizing because the computer will create paths that connect the points of an image.Vector images are in "p", which means progressive scan. Progressive scan means frames are rendered one at a time, while "i"(interlaced) are rendered in halves of frames.
These graphics are connected by lines created digitally. They can be resized and look the same.
Friday, April 4, 2014
X-Wing project
At first, during the project I was spending a lot of time on the placement of the ships. I spent way to much time messing with where the spaceships would go rather than the camera movements or the explosions or lasers. Then, during the middle I was sick for two days.I didn't have the Blender file during those two days, therefore i was two days behind everybody else. I had a very specific plan for the story in the beginning, but I had several technical difficulties including unwanted extrapolation. I ended up having to delete a ship to overcome most of the problems. My lasers are decent, one of them disappears before the camera leaves ( so I didn't have to move it because I'm too lazy to animate that) and another one doesn't actually hit the target. I had some trouble with the modifiers at first, but then I got a handle on it. Garageband was the easiest thing in this project, and I had no idea how to make credits/title. But Jon Duke helped me out with that. If I had to do this project again I would make my lasers better and start the explosion earlier so that is is on screen longer.
this is the youtube video:
this is the youtube video:
Friday, January 17, 2014
I thought I was able to keep a reasonable amount of focus in this project, I wasn't on task for the beginning of the project but then I completed it. Some problems I had while making this project were starting the model and putting textures on the model. I didn't pay attention in the beginning and needed help but I got that help and worked through it. Putting textures on the model was annoying because i forgot how to partition the model to put separate texture on the model,after Mr.Bomboy told me I tried to have the engines have different textures on them then the wings but I couldn't make it work so I gave up after an hour of messing around with it. Lighting, camera placement, and world settings were easy. I would recommend putting materials on the model as you make it.
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