Friday, April 4, 2014

X-Wing project

At first, during the project I was spending a lot of time on the placement of the ships.  I spent way to much time messing with where the spaceships would go rather than the camera movements or the explosions or lasers.  Then, during the middle I was sick for two days.I didn't have the Blender file during those two days, therefore i was two days behind everybody else.  I had a very specific plan for the story in the beginning, but I had several technical difficulties including unwanted extrapolation.  I ended up having to delete a ship to overcome most of the problems.  My lasers are decent, one of them disappears before the camera leaves ( so I didn't have to move it because I'm too lazy to animate that) and another one doesn't actually hit the target.  I had some trouble with the modifiers at first, but then I got a handle on it.  Garageband was the easiest thing in this project, and I had no idea how to make credits/title.  But Jon Duke helped me out with that.  If I had to do this project again I would make my lasers better and start the explosion earlier so that is is on screen longer.

this is the youtube video:

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